OUR SErvices

What To Expect?

On your initial visit your physical therapist will take time to review your medical history and current complaints and complete an examination. We spend a lot of time talking with you because we value what this time means to your ultimate success in treatment.  During this process we can help you understand what the factors are that will influence your outcomes, and develop a plan of care that is specific for you. We do not follow a cookie-cutter approach; what may be beneficial for one patient may not be as helpful for another.

 Follow up sessions typically include a combination of manual therapy, to address limitations in joint movement and soft tissue restrictions, and specific exercises aimed to increase flexibility, strength and endurance. We occasionally use adjunctive methods such as heat, ultrasound, electrical stimulation and cold to maximize the gains made during the session.

We adjust your therapy routine based on your presentation at every visit. It is necessary to change your routine based on how you are doing: to increase the challenge when it is appropriate or scale back in times of a flare-up. You will not be handed a clipboard with a sheet of exercises to do on your own!

We understand that you have many choices available for your rehabilitation needs, and we are grateful that you have chosen to share your journey with us. It’s been shown time and again that laughter is the best medicine, and we share a good laugh with our patients and clients throughout the day. We look forward to working with you!